# Local development

To get started developing locally, use Docker Compose in the root of the project:

docker compose up -d

This will start the needed infrastructure dependencies for local development.

For the back end, you will need .NET 8 SDK installed.

For the first time, you will need to run database migrations. Open up each API that uses a database and run (make sure you have global EF Core tools installed):

dotnet ef database update

Start the APIs by going into the *.Api folders and running:

dotnet run

The APIs run on ports 19001+. Make sure they are reachable from your network (outside of your host), if you plan on using the client on a real phone.

The client uses yarn and Node.js and can be started with the following:

yarn install // if needed
yarn start

The client will serve on port 19000. You can use Expo Go to run it on a real phone.

The client also expects a Google Maps Platform API key in env.local
