Initial draft

Quick pitch

  • An application that allows you to find people with similar commute routes as you and carpool with them
  • Users that commute using a car can post their route (create a "commute group") and other users (with similar starting point) can join that route.
  • Main goal: help people connect with other people to form car pool groups for their commutes
  • Side goal: help people facilitate commute carpooling rides


  • For drivers, economic benefit - split on fuel cost
  • For passengers - more transportation options
  • Ecological perspective - carpooling is encouraged, less cars


  • Hard to ensure user safety
  • Hard to monetize?

Important points

  • Safety
  • Good commute route matching algorithm


  • Passengers - users that are looking to join someone for their commute
  • Drivers - users that are looking for other users to join them in their commute

Functional requirements

  • Create commute groups
  • Find commute groups matching a user's preference
  • Communication between commute group members about upcoming rides for a commute group
  • Live rides (information about a currently happening ride)

Initial technical architecture

graph LR; A["Mobile App (React Native)"]-->C["Compooler API (.NET)"]; B[Web App]-.->C; style B stroke-dasharray: 5 C --> D[(SQL)]